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Game 1

9.5 Out Of 10

The most noteworthy difference between Arkham Origins and its predecessors is a significantly larger open world. But that larger world has little meaning when the things you're doing in it are the same things the smaller world of the previous game accommodated perfectly well. Grappling up to rooftops and gliding through the air still feel great, but they don't feel any better here just because you have more rooftops to leap from. And there are side quests that have you doing things like racing to and fro to disarm bombs set by Anarky, which is much like racing to answer Zsasz's ringing phones in Arkham City.


Game 2

Animal crossing: New Leaf by Treytrey119


First Impressions:while it starts slowly and steady it takes time to get going.

                  there is something special about the daily tasks you will want to do.


Graphics:while not to impressive i like the new main charcter design.

         also while i'm at it they seem to have overhauled the ground design to look more sleek.


Sound:the sound is great nothing much to complain about.


Gameplay:This is where the game truly shines theres always something to do.

              and with the story of you being the mayor there are more thing to do then ever.


Overall:it a great game and will keep you busy for weeks if you want to do everything.





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